Unleash Your Inner Ninja!

We’ve been posting sporadically about various new domain extensions over the last year and we currently offer a very large (and growing) selection. While I’d love to say that we love all domain extensions equally, I’d be lying. Some domain extensions really resonated with us, while others simply didn’t. Unleash Your Inner Ninja!

Unleash Your Inner Ninja! We love .ninja as a domain extension. It’s a fun extension, but it’s also one that we think people should like and use. It’s proving fairly popular too, with over 30 thousand .ninja domain names registered to date.

So what is .ninja for? Who should use one?

Rather than us telling you who we think should use a .ninja domain, why don’t you tell us why you’d use one? We can think of a lot of cool ways to use .ninja domains and have already secured what we consider to be one of the best .ninja domains around (more on that to follow soon)

In any case, if you feel your inner ninja then why not register one today?